
Painting a mural

To view our gallery of murals click here

At our events everyone has learnt about the process of making paints. Paints require pigments and binder and sometimes solvent. Everyone has had the opportunity to make paints 'ancient style' using eggs and earth pigments. We have also made paint 'modern style', using PVA glue, water and pigment.

Once the paints have been made we have used them on gigantic murals. The murals have depicted famous art works, famous monuments, elaborate patterns and chemistry in action. Our artist, Paul Gent, has drawn the murals for us.

Painting a mural

We have put together a gallery of some of our murals. Unfortunately we do not have pictures of all the murals, because we have donated them to schools. To view the murals we do have please click here.

Pictures of the events taking place can be found in our photos section.

Two time lapse movies of murals being painted can be found in the videos section.

When we visited the Cheltenham science festival we painted a gigantic 10 m long mural outside. The mural depicted science themes developing through the ages, from biology to the future. There is a large picture file available to view this mural, please - click here.

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