Bridging KS2 and KS3 : Teachers' Resources

With only 40% of pupils staying engaged in science when moving from Key Stage 2 (KS2) to Key Stage 3 (KS3) more hands on science is needed in the classroom to bridge the gap.  The CACL team together with the AstraZeneca Trust have teamed up to produce simple, inexpensive experiments which can be directly implemented in the classroom.  These experiments are based on colour as this was found to be a particularly effective topic for engaging school children as it is appreciated by everyone regardless of background. 

The resources contain background information, links to the National Curriculum (NC), suggested lesson plans and handouts for students.  The KS3 materials have been produced as stand-alone resources so that pupils feeding in from schools that have not used these resources at KS2 can participate fully.


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KS2 Resources

Scheme of work unit: Light
National Curriculum link: Knowledge, skills and understanding Sc4 Physical processes
Scheme of work unit: Solids, Liquids and how they can be separated
National Curriculum link: Knowledge, skills and understanding Sc3 Materials and their properties   
Scheme of work unit: Solids, Liquids and Gas and how they can be separated
National Curriculum link: Knowledge, skills and understanding Sc3 Materials and their properties   
Scheme of work unit: Solid Liquid Gas/Solubility
National Curriculum link: Knowledge, skills and understanding Sc3 Materials and their properties
Scheme of work unit: Characteristics of materials: Rocks and Soils
National Curriculum link: Knowledge, skills and understanding Sc3 Materials and their properties 

OR Click here to download all KS2 Resources in a single document   

KS3 Resources

Scheme of work unit: Light (visible spectrum)
National Curriculum link: Energy can be transferred usefully, stored, or dissipated, but cannot be created destroyed.

Scheme of work unit: Particle theory and separation techniques
National Curriculum link: Chemical and material behaviour.
The particle model provides explanations for the different physical properties and behaviour of matter.

Scheme of work unit: Particle theory and separation techniques
National Curriculum link:   Chemical and material behaviour
The particle model provides explanations for the different physical properties and behaviour of matter

Scheme of work unit: Acid and alkali - pH scale - Indicators
National Curriculum link: Range and content of Science key stage 3
Chemical and material behaviour
Elements and compounds show characteristic chemical properties and patterns in their behaviour. Use examples such as acids and alkalis.

Scheme of work unit: Introduction to the Rock Cycle: Particle model/ solutions/Change of state
National Curriculum link:   Range and content of Science key stage 3
The environment, Earth and universe
Chemical and material behaviour

Scheme of work unit:  Chemical change: Separation techniques (filtering): Elements, compounds and mixtures
National Curriculum link: Range and content of Science key stage 3
Chemical and material behaviour

OR Click here to download all KS3 Resources in a single document



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