
On this page is information about green colours. These are:

Terre Verte / Green Earth

Green earth pigment

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - K[(Al,FeII),(FeII,Mg)(AlSi3,Si4)O10(OH)2]

Chemical Name - Iron silicate

Structure -

Synthesis - Is obtained from grinding glauconite and celadonite minerals into a fine powder.

Interesting Facts - Found in Roman wall paintings and in the ruins of Pompeii.

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Green Cinnabar / Chrome Green

Chrome green pigment

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Cr2O3

Chemical Name - Chromium(III) oxide / chromium sesquioxidie

Structure - Rhombohedral

Synthesis - Heat potassium dichromate with ammonium chloride.

Interesting Facts - n/a

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Veridian pigment

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Cr2O3 • 2H2O

Chemical Name - Chromium(III) oxide dihydrate

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - 8g boric acid and 3g potassium dichromate are mixed together and heated. They are mixed with cold water, washed and ground and finally washed with hot water before drying.

Interesting Facts - n/a

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Cobalt Green

Cobalt green

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - CoO • ZnO

Chemical Name - Cobalt(II) oxide and zinc(II) oxide

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - A paste of zinc oxide in water is added to cobalt nitrate/sulfate/chloride. The mixture is heated, ground, washed and dried.

Interesting Facts -

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Emerald Green

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Cu(CH3COO)2 • 3Cu(AsO2)2

Chemical Name - Copper(II) acetoarsenite

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - Verdigris is dissolved in acetic acid and added to a boiling aqueous solution of white arsenic.

Interesting Facts - Discovered in 1814.

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Scheele's Green

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Cu(AsO2)2

Chemical Name - Cupric arsenite / copper(II) arsenite

Synthesis - Tetragonal

Synthesis - White arsenic is dissolved and mixed with copper sulfate solution. A small amount of potassium carbonate is added, and then the precipitate is washed with hot water and dried.

Interesting Facts - Scheele's green was used on the walls of Napoleans bedroom, and when it came into contact with mould it made the atmosphere posinous. Paintings using Scheele's green have been known to cause serious illness and even death to people sharing rooms with them.

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Malachite Malachite

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - 2CuCO3 • Cu(OH)2

Chemical Name - Copper(II) carbonate

Structure - Monoclinic

Synthesis - From the malachite mineral.

Interesting Facts - n/a

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Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Cu(OH)2 • (CH3COO)2 • 5H2O

Chemical Name - Basic copper acetate

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - Anhydrous acetic acid is mixed with copper oxide and water.

Interesting Facts - Was used as a paint pigment by the Romans and found in wall paintings at Pompeii.

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Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Cu2(OH3)Cl

Chemical Name - Copper(II) chlroide hydroxide

Structure - Orthorhombic

Synthesis - Atacamite is a mimeral.

Interesting Facts - The mineral is formed by the oxidation of other copper minerals.

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