
On this page is information about yellow colours. These are:

Yellow Ochre

Yellow Ochre

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Fe2O3 • H2O

Chemical Name - Iron(III) oxide monohydrate

Structure - Orthomrhombic

Synthesis - Reacting iron salts and metallic zinc

Interesting Facts - Used by the Egyptians, Ancient Greeks and Romans. Pots of iron oxide were found at pompeii. Can be used to make brown ochre by heating with sodium chloride.

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Cadmium Yellow / Aurora Yellow

Cadmium yellow pigment

Use - Paint Pigment

Formula - CdS

Chemical Name - Cadmium sulfide

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - mix cadmium chloride or sulfate and sodium sulfide or alternatively heat cadmium oxide in presence of excess sulfur and wash with distilled water.

Interesting Facts

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Aureolin / Cobalt Yellow

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - K6Co2(NO2)12 • 3H2O + K6Co2(NO2)2

Chemical Name - n/a

Structure - Cubic

Synthesis - Prepared from potassium and cobalt nitrites. The anhydrous product is formed by reacting with concentrated acetic acid.

Interesting Facts - n/a

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Lemon Yellow / Yellow Ultramarine

Lemon yellow pigment

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - BaCrO4

Chemical Name - Barium chromium oxide

Structure - Orthorhombic

Synthesis - Mix hot, aqueous solutions of potassium chromate and barium chloride. The dried product is then ground.

Interesting Facts - Strontium chromium oxide is often used instead, but is less stable. The mineral name is Hashemite.

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Indian Yellow / Piuri

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - C19H6MgO11 • 5H2O

Chemical Name


Synthesis - dry the urine of cows fed on mango leaves.

Interesting Facts - said to have an evil smell.

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Mars Yellow / Artificial Ochre

Limonite pigment Limonite

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Fe(OH)3 or Fe2(OH)2

Chemical Name - Iron hydroxide

Structure - Cubic

Synthesis - React iron sulfate/chloride with sodium hydroxide. Dry the precipite in air.

Interesting Facts - different shades can be created by heating to different temperatures.

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Naples Yellow / Yellow Madder

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Pb2Sb2O7

Chemical Name - Lead antimony oxide

Structure - Cubic

Synthesis - Heat 1 part antimony potassium tartarate (C4H4KO7Sb) with 2 parts lead nitrate and 4 parts sodium chloride for 2 hours.

Interesting Facts - Found on 2500 year old Babylonian bricks.

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Yellow Lake / Yellow Madder

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - n/a

Chemical Name - n/a

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - Grind American oak tree bark to a powder and place in hot water. yellow colour occurs when alum and dilute ammonia are added. A more vivid colour can be obtained by using sulfuric acid instead of water.

Interesting Facts - bark comes from the Quercus tinctoria and two other American oak trees.

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Chrome Yellow

Chrome yellow pigment

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - PbCrO4

Chemical Name - Lead chromate

Structure - Monoclinic

Synthesis - Mix hot aqueous solutions of lead nitrate and potassium dichromate.

Interesting Facts - n/a

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Orpiment pigment Orpiment

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - As2S3

Chemical Name - Arsenic sulfide

Structure - Monoclinic

Synthesis - Mined from orpiment mineral

Interesting Facts - Was used as a medicine in China even though it is toxic! It was also used as a fly poison and to poison arrows.

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Nickel Titanate

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - NiTiO3

Chemical Name - Nickel titanate

Structure - Rhombohedral

Synthesis - Heat a mixture of nickel and titania powders at 1000°C for 48 hours. Compress into 100g pellets and fire at 1300°C for 2 hours.

Interesting Facts - n/a

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